Ornate – San Xavier Mission

It was only the interior that was ornate, the rest of the mission property was beautiful but in a more simple and serene way. I prefered the grounds, which I will show in a future post. But what makes this mission truly special is it’s history which dates back to 1692 and the fact that…


Support Film to Stop Domestic Sex Trafficing

It’s in your community; maybe down the street or a block away someone’s child goes missing. A young teen runs away and soon discovers that it’s not so easy to survive. Children lured by the glamor of money and the illusion that anything is okay are tricked into a demoralizing, painful and hopeless lifestyle. IF…

He Was My First Love

A powerful influence on the heart and mind of a young girl discovering her soul. He was like a god to me, creatively skillful and capable beyond my wildest dreams. Yet unreachable, beyond my immature passion and undeveloped skills. I kept him in my heart, longing to grow closer, to learn his secrets. Eventually I…