The Face of Age and Youth

Mom & Alan's reflectionUnsure, insecure; “Why are you not here with me? You can take my place and I will stay behind.” My mom, some years ago before she passed away, on a trolley at a tourist attraction. My son can be seen in the window behind her. She always put others first, so she was uncomfortable taking the trolley while we walked. I sent my son with her to keep her company, and to make sure she didn’t get lost or trip and hurt herself before we caught up with her.

In her mind she was always young even though at this stage of life her body was not supporting these ideas. She was adventurous, fun and didn’t like to be limited. I miss her face, her presence, and her character filling my life.

Trading Faces and Places

On the other hand, young people – curious, mischievous, and playful. I captured these teens goofing around during a seminar.

trading faces

trading faces2

WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge: FACE



7 thoughts on “The Face of Age and Youth

  1. Pingback: Face (in Flowers) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Your faces are perfect for this. And I so can relate to your mother always setting herself aside for others. My mother is the same…and I guess I am as well.


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