Optimistic – WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

I had to really stretch myself on this one this week. How do I take a photo that shows optimism? Do I have a photo in my files that expresses optimism?

Essentially at my core I am an optimistic person, but I have to admit that I get blue sometimes. There are plenty of issues going on that get me down, and this week was a real struggle. So when the Daily Post decided on ‘Optimistic’ as the theme for the photo challenge I took it as more of a personal challenge – to find something optimistic to distract myself from the problems I have to sort out.

Turkish coffee

I have to be honest and confess that most of the time this is what lifts me up and gets me through the hard times. But truthfully, sometimes even coffee is not enough.

Fall report6

But this young man is a real inspiration to me, and I get to listen to him play every week at church. Not only is he an excellent musician but he is also a fine person, a good student, mature for his age, responsible, and always bright. He is optimism at it’s best.

I am also optimistic about my own son, who is working hard in college and already getting more work than he has time for. He has shown great fortitude in getting through difficulties, he is very talented, a good student too, and trying hard to make his own way in the world. Like his older brother and sister who are good role models, each in their own unique way, give me hope for their future.

Fall report7

There are so many people I know who have struggled through incredible difficulties, like my friends who lived in a refugee camp in Africa for 9 years. One of them even made his own guitar out of a metal drum and other trash, and then taught himself to play it.


And another friend who strives to help people heal through music, sound, breathing and other techniques – although she’s had many of her own life struggles she persists in helping others professionally.


I also spent a little time today catching up on Facebook (which I don’t do very often these days), and I came across several very inspiring videos that totally revived my hope in humanity. Here are links to just a couple of them:

A School Surprises Their Cancer-Stricken Teacher A school choir surprises their cancer-stricken teacher with ‘I’m Gonna Love You Through It’…Posted by Omeleto on Friday, January 22, 2016

Posted by Scientists for peace on Monday, January 4, 2016


So I guess that brings me back to this; a good cup of coffee, my computer, and my friends and family create my picture of optimism.
For more ‘Optimistic’ posts go HERE

10 thoughts on “Optimistic – WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge

  1. Pingback: Optimistic (After Rain…) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

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